Multidimensionality evaluation of supply chain management integration

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Fernanda Paes Arantes
Maria Silene Alexandre Leite
Antonio Cezar Bornia
Pedro Alberto Barbetta


Integration is constantly reported in the literature as an essential feature of SCM. However, it is as difficult to define as to operationalize it, resulting in a lack of information on how to increase the level of integration among members. Thus, this research aims to evaluate the dimensionality of SCI, to check alignment with the features identified in the literature using multivariate statistical analysis. The methodology used was based on a questionnaire to assess the level of companies integration with suppliers of its supply chain. This instrument consisted of 21 items, with response options: yes, no or not applicable. The questions focused on evaluating the integration with suppliers, so each company consulted could answer a questionnaire for each supplier, since the intensity of relationships varies. Thus, 41 companies participated in the survey, resulting in 205 responses. Full-information item factor analysis and principal component analysis on the correlation matrix tetrachoric were used for the instrument dimensionality analysis. They are appropriate procedures for analysis of dichotomous variables. The results of this analysis enabled grouping the questionnaire items in the following underlying factors: trust, information sharing, partnership, collaboration or cooperation, and coordination. The identification of such factors such as dimensions of SCI enables greater understanding on how to raise the level of integration among the members of a supply chain.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Paes Arantes, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Production and System Engineering


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