Evaluation of product development process using EMVS

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Iara Tonissi Moroni Cutovoi
José Antonio Arantes Salles
Rosangela Maria Vanalle
صندلی اداری


This paper evaluates a PDP model application in an auto parts company, leader in its segment. From the application of lean thinking in the supply chain and the EMVS performance analysis methodology for PDP, a check list is created to avoid waste in project management. In this paper, we show that EMVS can be positively impacted through active management of knowledge within a project. This paper suggests that the value-enabling portion of a project manager's role requires aligning knowledge across these three key domains regarding PDP Gates (Phases) at company manufacturers of auto parts, Lean Thinking and Value Stream, and methodology for managing projects through performance-term rates and costs. The results show that the methodology has positive aspects, but its implementation takes time and has repercussions throughout the supply chain. Further this research try to explain the types of wastes and view of new products' development is enhanced and associates a manufacturing strategy focus on EMVS performance analysis and lean thinking, PDP and value stream mapping  showing the important of contribution this tools at reduction of waste.


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