Operational competencies rooted in resource theory: operations strategy and supply chain performance

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Fernando Nascimento Zatta
Elmo Tambosi Filho
Rodrigo Randow Freitas
Wellington Gonçalves
Rodrigo Ribeiro Oliveira
Liliane Cristina Segura
Henrique Formigoni
Renata Schirrmeister
صندلی اداری


This study discusses the influence of internal and relational resources on the performance of purchasing companies in which strategic suppliers are involved in their business processes, through interaction with operational competencies. The discussion of competency development has followed an internal focus on the company influenced by the resource-based view. In turn, the relational view proposes strategies of interorganizational cooperation to develop competitive relationships through short- and long-term collaborative actions. This study fills an important gap in the field of resource theory in Latin America. The results show that relational vision categories, when integrated with operational competences, influence business performance.


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